Please Donate towards the upkeep of our Parish

We have beautiful but old churches which need constant maintenance if we are to hold on to them for worship, baptisms, confirmations, weddings and funerals.

We also have an amazing parish centre which is the envy of other parishes, but which needs electricity, heating, broadband, phones, bins, cleaning, etc. so that all the clubs, organisations, and activities can keep going.

All of our buildings have to be insured, the grounds maintained, and the interiors decorated.

We have a wonderful Rector but, in fairness, we can’t expect him to live on fresh air. All parishes are levied by the diocese to help pay the clergy. They are not paid a fortune!

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So when the little brown envelopes come attached to the PINS and you are asked to send them back with what you can afford, that’s where the money goes - to keep the parish running for us, and for our children, and for future generations.

If you regularly give, thank you. It is very much appreciated.

If you haven’t given before, please do try to give something. If everyone gives a little we can do so much more in the parish. Not to mention pay all our bills.

And if you can manage €250 over the year, whether in weekly envelopes or the brown envelopes, or a combination of both, the parish can claim the tax back.

You can also donate securely online by clicking on the Paypal button above.

Thank You!

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