How to Find Our Churches

Map of Calary ChurchTo Calary Church

Turn off the N11 at Kilmacanoge, signposted Glendalough and Roundwood (R755): continue up the Rocky Valley bearing left up the hill passing the Sugar Loaf on your left at the top.

Calary Church is about 150 m down the 3rd turning on the left, 7 km from Kilmacanoge .

Alternatively, from Roundwood, it is 7.5 km to the right turn to the Church.

To St. Matthews, Newtown

From Dublin, take the first turn off the N11 signposted Newtownmountkennedy, Glendalough this is 2 km after the Greystones exit). Go around the roundabout, under the N11 and the church is 100m up the first sharp right turn on entering the village, just past and behind Fishers Shop and café.

Map of Newcastle and St. Matthew's ChurchFrom Wicklow, take the next exit from the N11 after Coyne's Cross signposted Newtown, Newcastle and go past Gregory's Garage on the left. After another 2 km take the left fork just past the Hotel at the far end of the village, and the church is another 100m on the right hand side.

To Newcastle Church

From Dublin or Bray take exit 13 off the N11 signposted Newcastle, Newcastle Hospital and Newtownmountkennedy. Take the 2nd exit off the roundabout signposted Newcastle, 2 km. You will see the church on the right hand side after 1.5 km.

From Wicklow or Rathnew take the next exit from the N11 after Coyne's Cross signposted Newtown, Newcastle and go past Gregory's Garage on the left. Take the right turn immediately after Gregory's Garage, go under the N11 and take the first exit from the roundabout signposted Newcastle 2 km. You will see the church on the right hand side after 1.5 km.

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