Parish Choir

Music adds so much to worship and choirs are an integral part of the Anglican tradition, so why not consider singing in the choir. Newcomers to the parish are especially welcome.

The Parish Choir, drawn from the congregations at Newcastle and St. Matthews, Newtown, currently sings at Church festivals and on other special occasions, such as during Lent, at Easter, Harvest and at Christmas. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings in the Parish Centre, as announced.

New members are very welcome, especially men (Tenor or Bass) and Altos. If you think you might like to sing in the choir, please contact the Choir Director, Andy Sleeman or the Rector, Rev. William Bennett or just come along to rehearsal.

We would be delighted to hear from people who sing, or have sung in other choirs, but previous experience and ability to sight read music is not a requirement, so don’t be shy. We are a friendly group so please come and join us for a good sing.

For more information please click here to contact us.

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